Programme Oversight and Management


The Climate Change Action Group will measure the operational delivery of this Action Plan.  This group will measure progress made by each service and will ensure climate change targets and objectives are being met.  These will be measured annually through the Council’s internal performance management system to ensure ownership, and to delegate responsibility across service areas. In turn the Climate Change Action Group will report to a senior governance board on an annual basis, ensuring both service leaders and relevant staff are delivering on climate action effectively.

Successful implementation of the Climate Change Action Plan will require internal governance at strategic and operational levels. Much like the Council’s Climate Change Strategy, this Action Plan is a cross-service document that sets out shared responsibilities, with specific actions being owned by a relevant lead service area and implementation supported by other relevant service areas. The Climate Change Action Group was launched to enable delivery, led by the Council’s Sustainability Team and involving senior management from each of the Council’s service areas, with shared responsibility of climate targets and objectives for their own service areas.

Reviewing Progress

All Council service areas have a part to play in implementing this Action Plan, which has been co-produced with involvement from all services. The implementation of the  Plan will be tracked through quarterly meetings of the Council’s Climate Change Action Group and reviewed annually, with additional targets and implementation details developed if necessary.  By monitoring progress and outcomes the Plan can be revised as require to ensure that the emissions reductions are achieved by their target dates.

Every 5 years the Action Plan will be subject to a full review, resulting in the preparation of an updated Action Plan. Progress on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for delivering on these actions will be included in service delivery plans, with progress monitored and input through the Council’s internal risk management system.

If you would like to be updated with progress with this transport strategy and plan or have any other comments to make please add your details here.